Start Illustration

On the left, click the Home navigation button, or click the Start Illustration navigation tab within the Home pages, to open the Start Illustration page.

Start Illustration Page

Use the Start Illustration page (or New Case dialog box) to create a new illustration, create and use illustration templates, and open recently saved cases.

Create a New Illustration

Work from top to bottom on the Start Illustration page to create a new illustration.

  1. Click the Home navigation button to go to the Start Illustration page.
  2. In the Illustration Method section list, select the type of illustration to create.

    Illustrate by Product

    Illustrate by Sales Concept

    Illustrate by Template

    Illustrate Using Published Templates

    Illustrate Inforce Reprojection

See Also:

Create a Composite Illustration

Create a Multilife Illustration

Create an Illustration Template

Open Recent Cases

  1. On the left, click the Home navigation tab to open the Start Illustration page.
  2. On the right in the Recent Cases section, click a case name link to open a recently saved case.

NOTE: To change the number of cases displayed in the Recent Cases pane, change the Recent List Items setting in Preferences.

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